It’s not illegal to seed in the US as such, but it becomes unlawful when you share copyrighted material without permission. It all depends on what you’re seeding and whether you have the rights to distribute that content. That’s why many people who are concerned about the legal aspect choose to download and seed via
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To get the best out of torrenting programs like uTorrent, it’s important to understand what seeding is. Read on to learn everything you need to know about seeding in uTorrent. Disclaimer: This material has been developed strictly for informational purposes. It does not constitute endorsement of any activities (including illegal activities), products or services. You
Peers, seeders, and leechers are terms you might have encountered while torrenting. Do you need to be seeding? Or leeching? And what does it all mean? In this “What is seeding?” post, we’ll discuss this concept and the relationship with others. Why are seeders important for leechers? And primarily, how to seed a torrent? So